Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Applicable Mathematics - TEE Exam 2

I walked into the exam room and sat down at my spot and took out my pen. I didn't realise it, but after I few minutes I was holding that pen, so the supervisor came along and told me to put the pen down. It was like she couldn't trust me after that or something. She checked my notes and my statistical book twice and she kept walking past me to see what I was doing.

Not only was this making me edgy enough, but I think the person sitting in the row to the right of me was trying to cheat off me. The gap between our rows was smaller than the others so he would be able to read off my work easily. I was going back through the paper to find parts that I had missed and went to work on the left hand side of the page. As I am right-handed, I pushed the paper to the right so I could work on the left page. I had already done some work on the right page, and, I swear, in the corner of my eye, I could see him looking. So I pulled the page over to the left and put my elbow across it, writing on an angle I usually don't.

When I got out of the exam, I felt quite happy, even though I had missed out on two whole questions.

Today was the Melbourne Cup and Stephen picked the winning horse, Efficient; with it $14 something. Lucky bug.