Friday, January 4, 2008


Yesterday, John and I surprised Lauren by bring Chris over with us to her house. She was so shocked that she squealed and gave Chris the biggest hug. She was so happy and had the biggest smile on her face; something that I haven't seen in a long time. We sat around for awhile while we decided what we were going to do for the day and as we did, we watched Tom and Jerry on Foxtel.

We ended up deciding that we wanted to go watch "I Am Legend" at Warwick. Lauren drove us and she put in her party mix CD and started singing along to songs that John and Chris didn't really like. We went into Coles to get some snacks to bring into the movies instead of buying the overpriced food at The Candy Bar. The movie was quite popular, as they put us all in the Mega Stadium and it was quite full. The movie itself was quite suspenseful and things jumped out of no where. There was one scene where Will Smith's character was walking through a dark hall holding a gun and this guy to the right of me screamed out stupidly, "Watch out!" That broke the suspense.

We then went back to Lauren's house and the others went for a swim. After a while, Lauren came and sat with me and we had a really good chat.

At 7:30pm, I turned up for Blair's 18th birthday party at Hogsbreath. I and a few of the guys turned up before her. She looked quite pretty with her hair in curls and wearing a black dress. She really brought colour to the party, literally, as she brought in blue and white helium balloons and napkins to replace the Hogsbreath ones. I knew everyone there except for two girls who were Blair's childhood friends. The food was pretty good, but I was disappointed that they have taken my favourite meal off the menu. B;air had brought an icecream cake as her birthday cake and it was the best one I had tasted. I'm not sure exactly it was made of, but I tasted strawberry sauce. Overall, it was a great party.

And it was a great day with friends.