Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Escort

Listening to (Exchange) by Massive Attack

Today was a more fulfilling today compared to the rest of the week. With the last Chemistry topic long gone, we practised naming and writing out the structural formulas of certain organic compounds which was quite enjoyable.

Religion was spent with the class listening to the rest of the class and their songs about freedom.

For English, we were going to do an essay question on viewing images and I had planned my essay on the questions she had already given us, but then she changed the question to one that had words I didn't understand. Once I found out what they meant, it was quite enjoyable to write seeing as I had a lot to say, but seeing as it was only a practise essay, lots of people were talking to it was hard to concentrate.

I had a double period of Applicable Maths, which we continued to work on the Poisson Distrubution chapter and I got quite a lot done seeing as I was talking quite a bit.
At lunch, Ms Perks called for me. I was thinking, "What have I done wrong?" but all she wanted Wilson and I to do was to escort two women to the Staff Room. I came to the conclusion that they were English teachers and that they were here for a meeting, most likely for moderating. They asked us questions about the school and they also asked if we were Prefects, seeing as we were escorting them. That made me feel important.
In Art we continued to make our jewellery.

In my free period, we played cards again, but in the library in front of the Year 10's who had to do their Religion Assignment research on the computers.

When I got home I watched two more episodes of CSI: Miami. "Slow Burn" was amazing. It was the second time that I saw Alexx and Eric nearly die from being caught in an Everglade fire. A very good episode.
Signing off.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, definitely a more fulfilling day. Prefect ey? Yeah I could see you as a prefect, your good enough for it. Whats an Everglade fire btw? and how is the jewellery coming along?