Dad, Missy and I went down to Carine Park to go for a walk today. Missy was her usual self, barking and growling at any dog that tried to say hello to her. We did one lap of the park then went back to the carpark to give Missy a drink. Once she had a breather, we went for a run through the middle of the park. Missy stood on the brick wall and stood there looking around at the park while we lent on it. A few times Missy looked like she wanted to jump down the giant wall and she couldn't really understand the concept of using the stairs...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Because Erin said
February 29th - A day of that occurs every four years where people are just not in very good moods...
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 10:07 PM 0 comments
The Cranberries - Zombie
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken
But you see it's not me
It's not my family
In your head, in your head
They are fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head
They are cryin'
In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie
What's in your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Another mother's breakin'
Heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
It's the same old theme since 1916
In your head, in your head
They're still fightin'
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head
They are dying
In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie
What's in your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: lyrics
Sara's Letter
You know I love you. I feel I've loved you forever.
Lately, I haven't been feeling very well. Truth be told, I'm tired.
Out in the desert, under that car that night, I realized something and haven't been able to shake it.Since my father died, I spent almost my entire life with ghosts. We've been like close friends and out there in the desert, it occurred to me that it was time for me to bury them. I can't do that here.
I'm so sorry.
No matter how hard I try to fight it off, I'm left with a feeling that I have to go. I have no idea where I'm going, but I know I have to do this. If I don't, I'm afraid I'll self-destruct and, worse, You'll be there to see it happen.
Be safe.
Know that I tried very hard to stay. Know that you are my one and only. I will miss you with every beat of my heart. Our life together was the only home I've ever really had. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I love you. I always will.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 9:23 AM 1 comments
Labels: CSI:
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Stephen!
Today is Stephen's birthday. We bought him The Orange Box for his present. He got up really early to install it this morning. It's got some great games on it.
Dad had a day off from work so Mum, Dad and I went to the shops to go find some shoes for work. They didn't have any at Kingway so we ended up going to Mirrabooka where I found a pair.
Afterwards, we went to The Cake Factory in Malaga to pick up Stephen's birthday cake. It was a passionfruit cheesecake with different fruits and a yellow jelly on top. We also picked up on of their seconds tray, which had a muffin, a cupcake and a mini cheesecake.
We went home and I played SA:MP to make some more money.
I went on Messenger for a while and talked to Chantelle.
Nanna came over for dinner. Mum made lasagna and salad, with coleslaw, potato salad and garlic bread on the side. About an hour later we had the cake. We sang Stephen Happy Birthday and someone must have been singing off key because Missy started to bark wildly. It was so funny because she has never done that before. This cheesecake was huge. The five of us only ate about a quarter of it - least we will have cheesecake for awhile (Still prefer the one I had for my birthday from The Cheesecake Shop). ;)
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Climbing Garver Bridge
This is a video of me climbing the Garver Bridge in SA:MP.
chevy was there while I was doing this stunt, so this video above is him filming me.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Kill Klotebot
The second video I made today. Erin and Badeend are trying to kill Klotebot while I'm still in the car, but I end up defending him.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 9:25 PM 0 comments
I got the job! They called me today and I was so excited afterwards, that I actually started jumping up and down. I start working in two weeks time. Mum then called everyone afterwards that I got this job. Quite funny actually.
I have made three videos today. It's been such a fun day. I finished the first one quite early in the morning because I started it last night. The second took me a few hours to complete because I was talking to Emily at the same time. The third I'm uploading now. :D
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Random Moments in the Las Venturas Playground
Another video made by me.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Disappointment Soon Forgotten
The pharmacy didn't call me to tell me if I got the job or not. :
I spent a lot of time on SA:MP on the LVP Regulars Server making some money from properties. chevy and I did some stunts and filmed them with Fraps. He drove through petrol stations and we jumped off cliffs.
The most exciting stunt we did was trying to climb Garver Bridge with a motorbike up the supports. It's very difficult. chevy stood at the top and filmed me going up the supports while I filmed it from my point of view. It will be seen in one of my videos which I will be making soon.
John then went on the normal LVP server and I went up the bridge again with him on the back of the motorcycle.
Aunty Annette came over to give Stephen an early birthday present and to have dinner with us. We talked for quite a while about a lot of different things, including blood tests, which made me weak in the arms.
I will be making three SA:MP movies.
- Another random moments video with stunts from chevy.
- Me on the motorbike on Garver Bridge.
- And a high speed, explosive chase.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Fourth Second Cousin
Yesterday I went to see Amanda and Mike's third daughter, Samantha. She had a cold so she was sniffling a lot.
You can tell that Keith wants to have kids. Samantha fell asleep in his arms and he held for a good half an hour.
Stephen and I played pool.
Mike, Stephen and I played "Around the World" in darts. Mike won, even though he started two rounds after Stephen and I.
Mum held Samantha, while she gave her milk from a bottle and let her sleep.
Mum, Melanie, Aunty Faye and I talked for quite a while about various topic.
We took Nanna home then went to Luke's house to give him the money for Stephen's Garry's Mod download.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: family
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Anniversary Lunch, Birthday Dinner
We are going to a get together tomorrow to see Samantha, which is the same day as my Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary.We went to the Pines today to celebrate the anniversary instead of going tomorrow. The food was nice as always. The thing I didn't like was that we were seated next to a table with little kids. Joy. I didn't really eat that much for a buffet place. I usually just get one plate of food then some dessert.
When we came back home, Babcia, Dziazdio and Uncle Tim came over to give Stephen his birthday present, even though his birthday is on the 28th. He got some money, a photo album and some photos from his Confirmation two years ago (they forgot that they had the photos). We talked and had tea and coffee. We also showed them the Nintendo Wii. Dziadzio and I walked outside and looked around the backyard. They also ended up staying for a pizza dinner.
Dad bought Mum a bunch of roses yesterday. They had glitter on them.Aren't they gorgeous!
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: anniversary, birthday, restaurant
Friday, February 22, 2008
I couldn't get to sleep last night. I kept running over things in my head what they would ask me and how I could answer them. I was tossing and turning to try and get comfortable, but my mind was running a mile a minute so I wasn't tired.
In the morning, the nerves were still there. I caught the bus with Mum at 10:45 to go to the Pharmacy. The whole time I was on the bus, I kept going over the situations in my head. My interview was for 11:30. I walked into the shop at 11:15 and I wasn't expecting that I was going to be interviewed right then.
I felt like I was ready at all. I walked into the manager's office (I have forgotten her name!) and sat down. I felt relieved that it was a one on one interview. She was a very friendly person and what made me very nervous in the end was that she was the one doing all the talking. She never really asked me any questions except if I had any questions. She told me all about the job, what I would be doing, who I would be working with etc. I was so surprised. Now I'm wondering if this meant something. Why didn't she ask me any questions? The one thing I did like was when I was talking to her, my nerves just melted away. I felt comfortable and excited. One of the ladies working there walked in during the interview and the phone rang once. All in all, it was quite an enjoyable 15 minute experience.
I was starting to get very hungry so Mum and I went to Mirrabooka Shopping Centre to have lunch. At the food court, we saw Tamara and her family. We then bought sandwiches. These weren't ordinary sandwiches; they were made on huge pieces of bread. Very delicious but way too big for me. I didn't finish it, but I had eaten too much so I started to feel sick.
We went to Big W so Mum could find a present for Dad for their anniversary and I bought a diary. We then went to Suzanne Grae and Mum bought herself a pair of jeans. Afterwards, we went to Priceline and got our free club magazine because we had collected enough points to get one. We bought a Easter card for Kristina at Thingz and then one for Leonnie at the news agency. While at the news agency, I found some better diaries for the same price, so we went back to Big W and returned the one I bought earlier, then went back to the news agency and bought their ones.
I'm tired for the lack of sleep.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Las Venturas Playground - Cars, Cruises, Jumps & Stunts
I occassionally film random moments when I play on the Las Venturas Playground server so this video features a few of these moments, including a cruise that happened a few days ago.
Please watch right until the end because I have added some screenshots.
Thank you to everyone who features in this film.
For more information about this server visit
Enjoy and please comment.
Please take into consideration that this is my first movie, so be nice!
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Today I have been trying to write a resume. There is a job I found on Seek. It looks pretty good and it's not too far from here. It took me awhile to complete my resume because I wasn't sure what to say, so I had to spend time researching what to write.
I also watched Grease and played some SA:MP and Call of Duty 4.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Today I went with Mum and Dad to the new Ikea store in Innaloo. You could see the store from so far away, with it's giant yellow lettering. The store has two levels and is the biggest shop in WA. We walked in the entrance and I recognised the giant love heart pillow that John had got me for Valentine's Day. There were hundreds and they could be found all over the store.
What I liked about this new Ikea was that they had a lot more displays and even had mini "houses" that you could walk through. We looked at TV cabinets, but didn't really find one that was right. We looked at chest of drawers for Stephen, because the one he has is so old. We found one we liked and wrote down the section we could find it in the big warehouse.
The children's section was so bright and colourful. We looked around there for awhile because we had to look for a present for my cousin's baby daughter Samantha. There were toys, furniture and colouring supplies everywhere. We ended up getting her a clothes basket, which had a turtle on top and a blue toy elephant.
The arrows guided us to where the canteen was. It was huge. We grabbed three glasses, a custard and fruit tard, plus two chocolate muffins and went to pay for them. The drinks you had to go make yourself (self serve), using the machines. They only cost $1.95 and you could go get delicious refills. I ended up making an Earl Grey tea, but I didn't like it, so once Dad finished his cappuccino, he went and made me one. We had to clear the tables ourself and put our trays on a rack, which is ok, because they say that because they don't have to do it, they save money and we save money too.
I went to the bathroom and when I came back, there was a window looking over the warehouse. It was the like the size of Bunnings. It was an amazing sight seeing all of the shelves with boxes of furniture, ready for people to take home and put it together themselves (saving money again!).
We walked downstairs where they had all loose bits and pieces for your kitchen, bathroom, lounge room etc. We ended up grabbing a few items and kept following the arrows until we reached the entrance of the warehouse. We wheeled our trolley to our section. We looked on the shelves but we couldn't see the right one. Turns out them put it at the end of the aisle.
There were so many checkouts, so we didn't need to wait in line at all.
They also have giant lifts so you can put your trolley into them to get to the ground floor.
The thing we didn't like was that you couldn't take your trolley any farther than 10 metres from the store as it was blocked off. You can get someone to carry your furniture to your car, but Dad carried it anyway.
I can't wait to get my own house and then go to Ikea to furnish it!
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
This is a screenshot taken from SA:MP.
NoodleSandwich, FATBABY, FLOWER and I were standing on the ship in a circle with our hands up, randomly. We then invited everybody to the ship to join our ritual.
A big thank you to everyone, especially NoodleSandwich, FLOWER and FATBABY, who made this screenshot possible.
And a sorry to bob, who got their head blocked by the dollar sign.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 4:42 PM 2 comments
Labels: SA:MP
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The Greatest Day In Gaming
I have been playing a lot of SA:MP today so here is the run down.
- top_cop and Lamb Of God were harassing me. He kept giving me money, asking if I had MSN and kept giving me money. After I got off the computer, top_cop started having a go at Stephen saying that he thought that Progin was me. The admin Mike warned him that if he kept harassing me, he would be banned.
- I finally got my plus point from _Katie_ and opened up a proaccount.
- I reported a person using a rocket launcher illegally and got him banned.
- I got another plus point from Xen0n, because I had enough hours for two.
- _Katie_ then started a competition to find her and the person who shot her dead won one million dollars. You weren't allowed to teleport there. So I went and looked for her. I got to the place, but she wasn't there. The triangle said she was underneath me. How could she underneath the road? Stephen then noticed that there was a railroad track beneath the road. I went back to where I go gain access to it and drove towards her. When I got there, there were so many people that had teleported to her. I shot her dead and got my million. People then started to shoot me to get the money. I quickly teleported to the ship and banked my million. Sweet.
- I danced on the ship.
- A guy I met yesterday said hello to me. We then went in airplanes and attempted to parachute from them. As I was in the passenger seat, I couldn't get out of the plane for some reason. Afterwards, we went driving and shooting people. This one guy we were trying to kill brought all of his gang to teleport to us. We were outnumbered...
Stephen and I have just been playing Nintendo Wii. We realised that the both of us could verse bot characters. It is so much fun because you have all these rallies and they have good skill. The good thing is that when you verse bots, you're skill goes up, but when you just verse each other, it doesn't.
Gosh...I love games.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 8:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Not Much But Still Fun
I finished reading The Science Of James Bond. It is one of the best books I have read.
I also did quite bit of cooking today. I made Potato and Leek soup as well as biscuits with lemon icing. :D
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: book, cooking, James Bond, reading
Monday, January 7, 2008
Intelligence & Stamina
For most of the day, I've been reading a very interesting book called "The Science of James Bond". It goes into many different sciences including, physics, chemistry, forensics, ballistics and avionics just to name a few. The book looks at different gadgets used in the James Bond series and uses science principles to prove whether these gadgets are fiction or could actually be fact. It also includes historical backgrounds to gadgets and plots from the movie. Very fascinating.
I played boxing on Wii Sports and decided to get right into it. I threw punches like I meant it to hurt the person. I actually worked up a sweat! After I did that for a while, I played the training boxing and baseball games.
After dinner, Dad, Stephen and I went to my aunty's house to use her pool. It was nice to swim after a hot day.
Lauren just called me. I'm going over her house for a party on Saturday. Should be good!
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Reading, Viewing, Gaming
Most of my day was spent reading the CSI book Double Dealer. I have so many books to read before the 11th it's crazy. I got a bit behind during Christmas and New Years...
I watched Father of the Bride: Part II. It isn't a good as the first one, but it was watchable.
I played a game of multiplayer Sonic and The Secret Rings on the Wii with Stephen. We turned the difficulty of the bots to hard and we got pwned...
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Today, for the first time, I made Kapusta. I have been wanting to make it for quite awhile but never got around to it. I have to say that it turned out quite good (not as good as Babcia's of course), but I think I will have to use a different kind of Polish sausage because it didn't taste quite right. There is always time to perfect it.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
Yesterday, John and I surprised Lauren by bring Chris over with us to her house. She was so shocked that she squealed and gave Chris the biggest hug. She was so happy and had the biggest smile on her face; something that I haven't seen in a long time. We sat around for awhile while we decided what we were going to do for the day and as we did, we watched Tom and Jerry on Foxtel.
We ended up deciding that we wanted to go watch "I Am Legend" at Warwick. Lauren drove us and she put in her party mix CD and started singing along to songs that John and Chris didn't really like. We went into Coles to get some snacks to bring into the movies instead of buying the overpriced food at The Candy Bar. The movie was quite popular, as they put us all in the Mega Stadium and it was quite full. The movie itself was quite suspenseful and things jumped out of no where. There was one scene where Will Smith's character was walking through a dark hall holding a gun and this guy to the right of me screamed out stupidly, "Watch out!" That broke the suspense.
We then went back to Lauren's house and the others went for a swim. After a while, Lauren came and sat with me and we had a really good chat.
At 7:30pm, I turned up for Blair's 18th birthday party at Hogsbreath. I and a few of the guys turned up before her. She looked quite pretty with her hair in curls and wearing a black dress. She really brought colour to the party, literally, as she brought in blue and white helium balloons and napkins to replace the Hogsbreath ones. I knew everyone there except for two girls who were Blair's childhood friends. The food was pretty good, but I was disappointed that they have taken my favourite meal off the menu. B;air had brought an icecream cake as her birthday cake and it was the best one I had tasted. I'm not sure exactly it was made of, but I tasted strawberry sauce. Overall, it was a great party.
And it was a great day with friends.
Posted by ¤ Émìlíå ¤ at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: 18th, friends, Hogsbreath, I Am Legend, movies, party