Sunday, September 9, 2007

No Fun, All Work

All I have been doing for last two days is homework and I am so stressed. I had so much work due for tomorrow. I have a Chemistry validation and English in-class essay tomorrow, a Human Biology test on Tuesday and an in-class assignment for Religion on Wednesday.

Stephen and I tried to get Missy to walk on the treadmill with no luck. She just slides off the edge. If there is a Yummy at the end, she will get it, but she will stop walking. She doesn't know to use all of her legs. Her back legs are like brakes so when I try to move her forward, she doesn't. Oh well.

Well that's about it. No fun for a while!

Signing off.

1 Comment:

Random Chick said...

No fun for about three months. Although u are invited to my birthday party in the first week of the holidays. we're going iceblocking. I figure we can all take a break for a couple of hours from studying