Playing, what Khue called Jimmy Mummy (actually called Jim Rummy)
The Tongue Phenomenon
I did face-painting at ten past twelve. So many people wanted their face painted that I'm sure we made a alot of money. The first thing I painted was a butterfly. It was so hard to try and paint something upright when I'm used to painting something flat and horizontal. I also painted hearts and did quite a few worded requests.
They were selling the large lollipops that they had last year for 50c but they sold out before I could get some. I started haggling with people so I could buy it off them. I offered Martin $2 but he said no. He wanted $4 for it. Janna, who I had asked previously, took my up on my $3 offer and Martin was disappointed that he didn't end up making a profit.
After the fair, we had Mercy Idol, which was nothing compared to last year. They had no real singing acts this year, just a lot of dancing, hip-hop and rap. I stood up on the sides of the Gym so I could see. I don't think it was really worth it. The acts were only good for two minutes, then they got so repetitive.
Overall, Mercy Day wasn't a good as it was last year. As seeing as it was my last one as a student of Mercy, that made the day disappointing. Nether the less, I will be back next year with a group of people to show up unexpectantly.
Signing off.
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